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The EUniversal project developed a universal approach on the use of flexibility by DSO and their interaction with the new flexibility markets, enabled through the development of the UMEI.

The UMEI has materialized in the conceptual architecture design and the implementation of a standard, agnostic, adaptable, and modular combination of different APIs to link DSOs and market parties with flexibility market platforms, in coordination with other flexibility users. This approach allows distributed communication without the need for a central hub.

The UMEI consists of publicly available APIs, allowing any stakeholder to adopt them or to develop new APIs concerning new services while complying with the UMEI interface specification.

The UMEI v1 includes a set of OpenAPI specifications developed by NODES, N-SIDE, E-REDES, and CENTRICA BUSINESS SOLUTIONS as part of the EUniversal project. In case of further development or modification of the existing specifications, please contact one of the above mentioned partners.

This UMEI is licensed under the Apache License 2.0.

OpenAPI specifications

The source OpenAPI specification is available here:
UMEI OpenAPI specification (JSON format)

A post-processed OpenAPI specification including more documentation is available here:
UMEI Post-processed OpenAPI specification (JSON format)

A SwaggerUI-version can be viewed here:
UMEI Swagger Interface

A Redoc-version can be viewed here:
REDOC Interface

A PDF version of the API can be generated here:
UMEI API PDF Documentation

Other documents

A glossary is available here:
UMEI Glossary

A list of error codes is provided here:
UMEI List of error codes.